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Cleaning grout - how to clean the bathroom grout?

May 2022, author: Michał Swoboda, customer advisor
Cleaning groutKeeping grout clean is an issue that we face in every bathroom. Bathrooms are warm and usually have high level of humidity. These conditions conduce to growth of fungi and mold. On top of that, there is dirt caused by settling dust and, in case of grout inside the shower unit, also the remainder of toiletries. How to clean bathroom grout so that it looks good for a long time?

Dirt on the grout significantly reduces the aesthetics of the bathroom. Although it would seem that grout doesn’t take up much space in the bathroom, dirt in these parts is not only very visible, but it also affects the visual perception of the entire interior… and it’s not only an aesthetic problem. When microorganisms start to accumulate on the grout, it can have health consequences. So, how to clean grout?

  1. Daily upkeep of grout is important
  2. Food products that help clean grout
  3. Washing grout with Domestos – yes, but with caution
  4. Steam cleaning – fast and safe

Daily upkeep of grout is important

Since ceramic tiles are durable, easy to clean and resistant to moisture, they find their place in most bathrooms. They are practical, indeed, but when cleaning, users very often wipe the tiles only, missing out the grout. This is a big mistake, because by removing dust and dirt regularly, cleaning the grout is quicker and easier. But when the dirt builds up and penetrates deeper into the grout structure, the problem grows. This means that regular cleaning is important and it’s sometimes enough to maintain a neat appearance of the grout. But what if larger dirt stains already exist? How to clean grout inside the shower unit and in other places without damaging the surface of the ceramic tiles?
Cleaning grout - how to clean the bathroom grout?

Food products that help clean grout

Maintaining and cleaning grout doesn’t have to involve high costs. Food products that can be found in nearly every kitchen, like sodium bicarbonate and vinegar, can help remove some of the dirt. Their combination creates an awesome mixture appreciated by a large group of housewives. Cleaning grout with bicarbonate is simple, just mix 100ml of vinegar, the same amount of water and add one whole sachet of sodium bicarbonate. Such a solution is used to wipe the joints, but it’s also a good idea to put it on the grout for at least half an hour. After this time, the mixture should be washed off with a damp cloth. It’s an important step, otherwise white residue will remain. We can also prepare a paste instead of a solution, then we just skip the water. We apply it with a small brush, for example with a toothbrush, and gently scrub. Instead of bicarbonate, baking powder can also be used, which will give a similar effect.
Sodium bicarbonate is a solution for all those wondering how to clean white grout. It will work as a bleach in combination with mild dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide. We just need to make a thick paste and apply it on the joints. Lemon juice also has a bleaching effect.

Washing grout with Domestos – yes, but with caution

The above-mentioned method is effective, cheap and nonchemical, but if we have no bicarbonate or  vinegar at home, or the dirt persists, it is worth reaching for other products. Domestos or other products of similar properties can be found in every bathroom and they effectively eliminate bacteria and fungi. Being also corrosive, this concentrate should never be used directly on the surface of grout and tiles. Before cleaning grout with Domestos we should first dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1. Another important thing to keep in mind is that we always should wear protective gloves for such cleaning. Although the detergent will have lower concentration, it can still irritate your skin.

Steam cleaning – fast and safe

In the above cases, it is necessary to use a toothbrush. If the bathroom is large, scrubbing with a toothbrush can be arduous, tiring and discouraging. Is it possible to clean grout without scrubbing? Absolutely, but only if you have a steam cleaner. All you need to do to steam clean the grout is pour the right amount of water into the steam cleaner and direct it at the grout. The surface of the tiles and the grout will be clean at a glance, and there won’t be any harmful microorganisms left on it as they don’t stand a chance when in contact with high temperature.

Bathroom grout – what else to keep in mind when cleaning it?

As we can see, cleaning grout from mold and other dirt doesn’t have to be difficult. However, it is worth remembering that systematic cleaning will bring better results. Besides, not just cleaning itself is important, but also impregnation. By choosing specialized products, we can prolong the life of the grout and thus save on costs associated with its replacement. If the household members intend to clean the joints with chemical agents, they can find some good ones in the store. It’s important to carefully read the labels to verify what surfaces the product is intended for. Professional products for cleaning and care are also worth having a look at.

What’s more, we need to remember to never scrub the grout with hard wires or tough bristle brushes, as these can damage grout and scratch the tile surface. If our bathroom has a window, we can reduce humidity levels by frequent ventilation, which decreases the likelihood of creation of organic stains on the grout. Getting an enclosure that is easy to clean is also worth considering as this will save us some time during daily bathroom cleaning as well. You can find out what model will work best in the article “Which shower enclosure is easy to clean?”.
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